Real star sky experiment with star sensor: a wonderful journey to explore the universe

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Real star sky experiment with star sensor: a wonderful journey to explore the universe

TY-Space September 18, 2023
Star trackers are crucial components in satellite navigation systems that determine satellite attitude and direction by observing the stars in the sky. To validate the performance and precision of star trackers, the real sky test is an essential part.
During the real sky test, the star tracker is mounted on a test bench that simulates the satellite’s attitude. By observing specific stars and constellations in the sky, the star tracker can calculate the precise attitude information of the satellite.
Real sky tests not only validate the performance of star trackers but also help improve the calibration algorithms and precision. By comparing and analyzing the stars data, potential errors can be identified and corrected, enhancing the positioning and navigation accuracy of the star tracker.
These real sky experiments play a vital role not only in satellite navigation but also provide valuable data for space science. They help us better understand galaxies, nebulae, and planets in the universe, unveiling the wonders of our cosmic journey.
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